The Nature of the Mind
What we mean by the ‘mind’ in not the brain, but something more similar to the ‘spirit’ which exists inside our body. In this book we use the word ‘mind’ to mean this nuomenon.
Vitamin for the Mind
In addition to the benefits that meditation brings to learning, it also helps to balance us as we pursue a career.
The First Sunday Ceremonies on September 2nd, 2012
The First Sunday Ceremonies on September 2nd, 2012 at Dhammakaya Temple
Our Mind Can Change the World
Good day ladies and gentlemen. I’m so proud to present the topic “ Our mind can change the world ” to you today. Let’s see how our mind relates to the world.
How to Control Your Mind
Knowing the mind by trying to focus on only one thought at a time seems like an easy task. But when you attempt to do this, you find that you cannot accomplish this goal immediately.
A Mind Invulnerable to Worldly Vicissitudes
The mind that is afraid or disappointed by Worldly Vicissitudes is worrisome that is might encounter something unpleasant or something that it is afraid of
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one s mind
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one’s mind.
Complete Criteria in Giving
Today, most people are inclined to put their faith in science above anything else. However, science can only prove what the eyes can see
คําศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษน่ารู้ ตอน Type of bases of the mind
คําศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษน่ารู้ ตอน Type of bases of the mind ประเภทของการวางใจ
How to Manage Family Life #5
We do not search for these and do not wish to encounter them. Even when they have not arrived, we are afraid that they will soon arrive